Code of Conduct

The companies and organizations collaborating within the association are forerunners in their respective fields, and the knowledge they share sets them apart from other like-minded projects. The association ensures a well-researched, tested and highly capable autonomous maritime transport network. The alliance aims at minimizing accidents, decreasing the environmental footprint of marine traffic, and advancing possibilities for new commercial ventures.

As One Sea works with many stakeholders, the alliance must stand for integrity and a high quality of work. This code of conduct defines how One Sea functions as an organization. All employees and members in various organs of One Sea and those acting on behalf of One Sea must follow this code of conduct. This code of conduct applies to One Sea (contracted) employees, members of the One Sea Board, and members and partners who act on behalf of and within One Sea. This applies also to all meetings of One Sea. All of the aforementioned shall read, understand and comply with the code of conduct.

They shall ask for help when they are not sure if any activity is compliant with the code of conduct. One Sea (contracted) employees, members of the One Sea Board, members and partners that act on behalf of and within One Sea are required to report any suspected observed activity that is not compliant with the Code of Conduct or if they are asked to do something that might be a violation of the Code of Conduct. Reports shall be made to the One Sea Board. 

The Board shall ensure the implementation of the Code of Conduct among the employees, members and partners.

One Sea brings together people from different countries, nationalities and cultures. We treat each other with respect and dignity and behave accordingly when interacting with one another. We encourage good manners, polite approach and privacy and do not tolerate any kind of discrimination, bullying or harassment. This applies to our (contracted) employees, members of the Management Board and Executive Committee, members and partners. Clear and regular communication, diversity, equality of opportunity and upholding health and safety are an essential part of One Sea way of working in order to foster an environment in which everyone will feel welcome and comfortable.

1. In One Sea, we work in order to help our members succeed by adding value through our performance and services. We build trust by being transparent and honest. We do not act in a manner that unfairly favours or benefits one partner or stakeholder over another.

2. We work with each other in a fair and polite manner where the same standards apply to everyone. We do not pursue things that create a conflict of interest of any kind.

3. We safeguard One Sea assets, equipment, confidential information, information systems, and intellectual property must be handled with care to avoid loss, theft or damage. Information sharing or information systems must be used in a manner that does not violate the rights or interests of our (contracted) employees, members of the Board, members and partners or any other stakeholders. We avoid or manage conflicts of interest and take the necessary actions.

4. We interact with many stakeholders. Our (contracted) employees, members of the Board, members, and partners know and comply with laws and regulations and must not contact these stakeholders unless it is within their mandate. Influencing their objective decision-making is forbidden. Gifts and complimentary acts of courtesy or hospitality in favour of representatives of public institutions and any other stakeholder may only be permitted when these prove to be of reasonable value and, as such, do not compromise the integrity or reputation of one of the parties concerned and could not be interpreted by an impartial observer as aimed at securing advantages in an improper form. In any case, this type of expense must be authorized at an adequate level, properly documented and comply with the Code of Conduct applicable in the organization of the recipient.

5. We comply with all laws designed to protect the environment, safety and health and promote a sustainable approach in daily work. One Sea treats all stakeholders in a socially responsible manner. If issues of legal compliance arise, One Sea will act responsibly and abide by the final decisions rendered by the courts.

6. We communicate to the public openly and in an organized manner. One Sea has mandated dedicated persons responsible for communication, and this mandate should be respected in all forms of communication.

7. We report activities and issues that are not compliant with the Code of Conduct. In case of indication that non-compliant activities may be undertaken, all (contracted) employees, members of the Board, members and partners have the responsibility to report this activity.

8. We perform our accounting based on comprehensive and precise information, attestable and consistent with the organizational structure.

Adherence to the law is an integral part of One Seas activities. Most important is the adherence to competition law and all other relevant laws. One Sea provides a platform for companies that may also be competitors. One Sea, among other things, draws up and represents matters of common interest to those companies. These activities and the provision of services for its membership must be in line with the rules that ensure undistorted competition.

One Sea (contracted) employees, members of the Board, members and partners are responsible for fully complying with the applicable laws, this Code of Conduct and One Sea policies. One Sea applies zero tolerance and will take disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or membership, against employees or members who violate the law, this Code of Conduct or One Sea policies.